
☝️ Who generated that heading?

That heading came from a wrapper layout. If you check out this page's source (deployment), you'll notice some frontmatter applied between those --- blocks:

The title we'll apply as the page heading and the browser tab title. You'll see this applied using {`Deployment`} in the layout file described below 👇
The name of the layout file to apply. In this case, layout: layout translates to _includes/layout.njk since 11ty looks in the _includes folder by default.

You'll notice this page is wrapped in a layout. This pulls in a few parameters using 11ty's data cascade:

Slinkity projects can be hosted with the same build command and publish directory on any of the common Jamstack hosting providers such as Netlify, Vercel, or Cloudflare Pages. All three of these options allow you to create a custom domain name as well.

Deploy to Netlify

The netlify.toml file includes npx slinkity for the build command and _site for the publish directory.

  command = "npx slinkity"
  publish = "_site"